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Fridelle Stanyer: Animal whisperer, intuitive life coach, Reiki master & clairvoyant reader

With decades of experience as an Intuitive Life Coach, Fridelle says no subject is tabu for her. “I inspire my clients to regain inner happiness in their heart and soul through any of my affordable modalities, and I assist them in making their aspirations and dreams a reality, if they so desire,” Fridelle said.  

Fridelle says her own spiritual path started off slowly but after a few years of learning, inner work, growth and awakening, it’s been like “a never-ending whirlwind”. 

“I love it,” she said. “Being an energy healer, or should I better say facilitator, along with being a Reiki Master, allows me to help bring people in alignment with themselves, if they are open and willing to allow that positive change to happen.” 

Fridelle also does clairvoyant readings from a range of cards. “Clairvoyant readings are often the precursor of a guidance around how to overcome your present challenges,” she said. “This allows you to move forward with your head held high and an open mind and heart to appreciate life to the fullest, despite the seemingly insurmountable obstacles you may be experiencing,” she said. 

Fridelle helps clients conquer their fearful mindsets and take the first step in the right direction of liberation  from perceived limitations. 

“Once your beautiful soul awakens to its highest potential, you become invincible and your Light starts shining far and wide. 

“Believe in yourself, have faith and trust but, most of all, show gratitude for everything life bestows on you, even what you might perceive as insurmountable obstacles. 

“It is these difficult times that catapult us to higher awakening. The light at the end of the tunnel will be far brighter than you ever imagined.”  

0412 846 995 |