Read the Nambour & Hinterland Business directory as printed …

The Chi Hub Nambour

The Chi Hub Nambour

The Chi Hub Wellness Centre Nambour is a conscious collective of natural and alternative healing therapies, classes, workshops & events. “Therapies are available from Monday to  Saturday include Acupuncture & TCM, Massage, Bodywork, Coaching & Holistic Counselling, Psychotherapy, Kinesiology, Energy Healing, Art Therapy, Ayurveda, Women’s Health, Yoga and more,” said Owner, Teagan Banyan. The centre has five treatment rooms and an event space which are available for hire.  

54-56 Blackall Terrace, Nambour   |  0410 244 722 |   |

Bottoms Up Colonics: Health & happiness from within

Bottoms Up Colonics: Health & happiness from within

Whistling Kite Healing Therapies

Whistling Kite Healing Therapies